The Statute of the Aged one presents three society without pointing the reduction of the inaqualities between them. The first one, the society of the old ones with providence, generation of the social insurances; second, of the aged ones with social assistance, meeting supported in the concept of public politics directed toward the attendance to the poverty; third, the society of ' ' without nada' ' , without the providence and the social assistance. In other words, the first society is of the enclosed ones for the income proceeding from the work and ' ' pact of generations ' ' , second, for the concept of old poor person without income and third, one meets dismissed of specific social politics. For its turn, the law of aged the nothing mentions concerning the complementary providence and it does not send to the necessity of independent security. To work with the concept of aged makes necessarily, to establish two classic differentiations: aging and oldness. The aging is inexorable.
It is a process that if it inscribes in the time of the birth to the death. It is a phenomenon that covers all the history of the humanity, but presents differentiated characteristics in accordance with the culture, the time and the space. For Oak (2003) the oldness would be the last phase of the vital cycle, to assign aged people. The Organization of United Nations (ONU), demarcates the beginning of oldness for the people with 65 years, in countries more than developed and developing countries, people with more than 60 years of age. To define the category oldness is in the reality, a complex question, therefore it implies multiple dimensions, amongst them, the biological one, chronological, psychological, the existencial, the cultural one, the social one, the economic one, among others. In our society, aged being, a priori, would be to continue fighting for its rights of citizenship and keeping its social function of guard of the past, at the same time, redimensionando its life for the accomplishment of productive and pleasant activities.