Flix Maier systematic Acampanha of defamation that suffers to the colonel Carlos AlbertoBrilhante Ustra since the miditico show from lies promoted pelaantiga petista member of the house of representatives Beth Mendes, in 1985, sends algumasperguntas: – Why Ustra colonel so is hated by the terrorists and ' ' militantes' ' of left? – By that …
Monthly Archives: October 2012
Christmas Decoration For The Children
The activities that we propose to them for these Christmases are simple and they cheer the life to us all. The Christmas spirit makes us be more united and nearer the others. He has who says that in Christmas we return to be like the children: good of heart, deluded, and with many desire to …
The recycling appeared as a way of if to reintroduce in the system has broken of the substance and energy that if garbage would become. According to some specialists in the subject, the recycling possesss some advantages, and the greaters of them are: minimizao of the use of natural sources, that many times are not …