Russian Products

Certification Scheme Scheme certification – ie certain order of certification and issuance of certificate of conformity. Figure 1 – under this scheme will only test products in an accredited laboratory type, ie, a typical sample from shipments. It applies to products of complex design. Figure 1 is intended for limited issue of domestic products and …

Orthopedic Products Against Flatfoot

Flat … This frightening, such a common and obscure to many diagnosis. Someone thinks flat major problem, someone is paying attention to the condition of their feet, and someone that seems to state commonplace – "like the Pope …" Flatfoot is caused by weakening of vault of the foot, the longitudinal and transverse arches, load …

Wood-Carving Products

Wood carving products of the complex composition. Birds, animals, animals in the process of performing the review exercise, carver must develop skills in performance of medium complexity products in the technique of relief woodcarving. To improve the professional skills offered carving an oval frame of complex composition. It can be a frame for a mirror, …


The language of orchids is different and also give away according to the intention and the occasion, the main symbolism of orchids is deseduccion, sensuality and Supreme beauty. When you give white orchids: express a love pure and idealized by the beloved person; When you decide to give Pink orchids: always will be used to …