Microsoft Bill Gates

Residual or dynamic entries are those that are still generating after having done an initial work and that do not need 8 hours a day to keep generating our physical presence. This is what Robert Kiyosaki called passive income. The Internet has revolutionized the way of doing business, interact with the world, technology that we …

Arranz Director

Instead of taking positions on all my skills and performances in my work during the previous twelve months, the contents of the interview would be focused on the identification of the areas of work that I should improve and develop a plan of action for the next period of assessment, with their corresponding objectives. If …


In the cases where the hospitals to possess inferior or equal number the 70 stream beds, have necessity only of professional professionals of the medical service and of serviode nursing. The responsible one for the CCIH (president, director, coordinator), as would arrive in port 2616, could be any one of the above-mentioned members. It would …