Selling information online via an e-book or as many know is a great way to generate income through the internet, however you are not sure whether to make extensive information or not, or how long you should present the information. I leave you three simple tips to resolve this question 1 .- You are selling information instantly .- When you’re selling information products or info-product, are selling information that people need and want immediately. They have a need and your info-product is the answer to that need. I have had many e-books do you have enough content and contributes nothing to the main purpose for which it was created. For example if your product promises to solve the acne problem, make sure your e-book provides relevant information related to how to solve the acne and nothing else.
2 .- Keep your e-book short and simple .- Your potential buyers will not want to read hundreds of pages, or want to print 300 pages of your ebook. If you can solve the need of your reader in five pages, then this size should be your info-product, 5-page simple. It makes no sense to a lot of information not only serve to fill your e-book, and this is also related to the bonuses you offer to sell your product. If you are giving away bonuses, you should ask How are relevant and necessary? They are a good idea but only if it added value to your main product. 3 .- Focus on the main theme .- The purchaser of your product has a problem a necessity and is counting on you to have it solutions adoption plan irrelevant information in the main theme is necessary, so, focus on the main theme.