Russian Products

Certification Scheme Scheme certification – ie certain order of certification and issuance of certificate of conformity. Figure 1 – under this scheme will only test products in an accredited laboratory type, ie, a typical sample from shipments. It applies to products of complex design. Figure 1 is intended for limited issue of domestic products and is included on a short-term imports. Scheme 1a includes addition to the scheme 1 – analysis of production. Figure 2 is somewhat more complicated because in addition to the test sample, after which the applicant has already received a certificate of conformity, it provides supervisory control for certified products, located in the trade. For this sample (samples) are shown in commercial organizations selling this product and is being tested in an accredited laboratory.

Figure 2 is recommended for imported products, delivered on a regular basis for a long time. In this case, the supervisory control is carried out on samples taken from the set in the Russian party. The scheme includes the addition to 2a Figure 2 – analysis of production conditions before issuing a certificate. Figure 3 provides the test sample, and after the issuance of the certificate – inspection control by testing a sample, selected pa stock of finished goods predpriyatiyaizgotovitelya before sending it to the consumer. The sample is tested by an accredited laboratory. Figure 3 is suitable for production, stable quality is observed over a long period of time, prior to certification. The scheme provides for such trial and analysis of production conditions before issuing a certificate, as well as supervisory control in the same form as in Figure 3.