He would have been trained? Elevator goes up, elevator goes down and nothing of the platform to arrive next to the sidewalk. Some look in the clock and veem that as a delay in so agitated urban life. The commitments in the few twenty and four hours offered for Cronos are many, but it in the devora is as soon as. I also finished looking at for my clock. But nor it imagined that to such it would place me attitude in a quandary: I there already inside of the bus, close to my point of arrival, worried about mseros minutes of my day, while that youngster at least obtained to enter in the bus. He did not want to feel compassion of it. I have fought to face certain situations with more realism.
In this to intercross of ideas, the collector follows looking for to adjust the machine. The cadeirante of some tips in the attempt of the success, but nothing he seems to contribute so that it goes up, at last, in the bendito bus. I returned to my egoistic thought and this made me one ruined one badly. As we are ridicule, to the times! As we are stingy! Almost always we finish for thinking about our proper cause. The world is there is a strange land and it does not say in them very. I! I! I! Saint egoism! Lost in these divagaes, I came back with the voice of the youngster crying out that it would wait another bus, since nobody decided the question. The collector was gentile and said that if somebody was prontificasse to help it that would give to decide the impasse. The possible passenger asks for to a youngster who is going up for helping it.
Also it wanted to make it, but I perceived that it did not have necessity. There present the motor force already was the sufficient! With some effort, the man was placed in bus we obtain to follow trip. I passed some instants thinking about Cronos/cadeirante/cobrador/eu. A god and three mortals. Who would be in the position most comfortable? Certainly it would not be the cadeirante ….. It does not make much time, I read a substance with the musician Marcelo Yuka who was paraplgico after trying to prevent an assault. It said that they are thousand of carriers of some special necessity in the country. The number is expressive and if it makes necessary that the authorities wake up for this reality. The situation that I witnessed very justifies well the thought of the artist. Years are transferred to obtain that the buses supply access to the cadeirantes and made this still we find roads whom at least they know to put into motion the elevators. An indifference nonsense! This set is a minority that is not minority. Of the one not to dissimulate its inexistence. It is a question of obligation of all to suggest and efficient changes in this aspect great. The access for these people still is limited and the sacred right to go and to come is, then, convicted.