comTeam marketed innovative archiving solution ‘BvLArchivio’ of IT-and TK system House Association of ElectronicPartner comTeam, takes the complete solution for the digital archiving of BvLArchivio new in the program. The BvL Office systems Vertriebs GmbH, which has developed the system, and the comTeam Systemhaus GmbH has just announced their strategic sales partnership. BvLArchivio has convinced us right off the bat”, says Sven of smooth, head of sales and marketing of comTeam. For the first time, a solution for the digital archiving is available which is suitable even for small and medium-sized businesses. And also for large companies BvLArchivio is interesting due to the ease of use – our expectations for success are correspondingly high.” “Ralph Norman of Loesch, Managing Director of BvL Office systems Vertriebs GmbH, is pleased about the new distribution partnership: BvLArchivio will meet the high expectations with security.” After all, the smart complete solution was recently awarded the Innovation Prize DMS EXPO-Europe’s leading fair for electronic information management has been awarded. Digital archiving”is so special about BvLArchivio simply via plug- and -play, that the operating system is already available on an integrated hard drive separately to is there a data – and two locking plate. The world’s first prefabricated box system for the archiving digital therefore without software installation and computer training and is therefore cost-effective. The 30 x 40 x 30 cm large is connected to network and power grid box according to the principle of plug and play”and is immediately ready to use only a browser is required for access.
The archiving is done directly from your PC in any file format, paper documents by simple scan with partial or full-text indexing. “Saved is tamper proof and encrypted in the long term archive format PDF-a”. BvLArchivio is certified according to the highest standard IDW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in Germany) PS 880 and thus meets all tax and commercial requirements. The system to have a comprehensive service of the manufacturer is for a rental starting already from 99 per month is included. ComTeam about comTeam is the IT – and TK system House Association of ElectronicPartner, the European Group for independent trade and Systemhaus entrepreneur of the sectors entertainment electronics, telecommunications, information technology, domestic appliances and digital imaging. The Division of information & communication / I & C by ElectronicPartner maintained today in the field of information technology and telecommunications 800 members, including more than 250 comTeam-brand system houses. About BvL Office systems BvL Office systems Vertriebs GmbH specializes in the development, manufacturing and the distribution of innovative IT solutions. The company has existed for 20 years and now 20 employees at its headquarters in Berlin. Press contact: BvL Office systems Vertriebs GmbH Ralph Norman of deletion Walker Road 138d 13353 Berlin Tel.: 030-454781-0 E-Mail: Internet: ElectronicPartner GmbH Dr. Sonja Steves Michael Ridder Mundelheimer way 40 40472 Dusseldorf Tel.: 0211-41 56-941 E-Mail: Internet: PR Agency: