Jewish Tribune -York University discriminated against Christian and Jewish coalition ahead of Israel Apartheid Week On Monday morning, York University campus informed Imagine Partner With Us Christians United For Israel (CUFI) that the university was canceling the event due to the fact that Imagine With Us did not meet their requirements. York had required that the organizers include a formidable police presence and campus security paid for by the organizers, a list of all attendees in advance, a minute-by-minute synopsis of all speakers’ talking points and a ban on public advertising of the event at York and on satellite campuses. York University has said that the requirements were Demanded of the event organizers due to the participation of individuals who claim they invite the animus of anti-Israel campus Agitators. In an interview with the Jewish Tribune, Rob Kilfoyle, director of security at York, confirmed the event had been canceled and stated that the need for security at events is determined on a case-by-case basis and that the participation of speakers such as Dimant and Pipes was the cause of the Stringent requirements. When asked why were not made similar demands of the organizers of Israel Apartheid Week events, Kilfoyle stated that even though the organizers of those events will not be paying for their own security – as the university had Demanded of Imagine With Us – York will be there “to monitor the activities.” Welcome to Egypt. York is now a place where you’re either thug or dhimmi – no other way is known to the administration. This of course is not the first implicitly antisemitic York decision of the administration when it comes to defending, or not, the free speech of public defenders of Israel. No one should mistake this place (or respect its degrees) as a genuine provider of education.Boycott! (HT: Catfur)