Regarding this Hogart it describes: ' ' For the scholars that they appraise the failure of the individuals, the cultural privation would be the desencadeante cause of the pertaining to school difficulties, had these pupils not to be structuralized in its familiar seio the cognition necessary well to develop mathematical and linguistic abilities. How much to the failure of a social classroom, the authors appraise that the proper members of the poor classroom do not value the education, for these the pertaining to school evasion are not a problem, visa to be more important a monetary occupation of the pupil to assist in the income familiar.' ' (Hogart, 1957). However the society searchs each time more the professional success, the ability to any cost and the school follow this same conception, and those that do not obtain to answer the requirements of the institution can suffer with a learning problem. The untiring and immediate search for the perfection takes the rotulao of that taxes are not incased in the parameters. being thus, the only exit found for the devoid families is the school, where they deposit its hopes of a future, if not more good, at least different for its children, therefore through the school and of the knowledge of facts and different situations of that they live deeply in its day the day, they will be able later to have a chance in the work market and consequentemente its social ascension. One of the results almost always attributed to these inaqualities is the failure pertaining to school, that is very evidenced as natural consequence of the poverty, however knows that this is a factor that can contribute, but is not a determinative factor. One of the reasons of the biggest incidence of failure to be enters the children of disfavored families partner-economic, is in the fact of that these do not have access the specialized treatments that fill definitive gaps left for practical pedagogical pertaining to school. .