Project Management

In project audit seminar participants will learn, as they can detect early strategic projects success risks and eliminate in the one-day compact seminar attendees learn how can explore through project audit, whether there are strategic projects within their companies still on the right track. Furthermore, as they, if there is a risk that the objectives will not be achieved, measures deriving from the analysis results that can ensure achieving the goals still. The seminar is aimed at all persons, who are responsible for planning, performing, and controlling projects in companies. Prof. Dr. Gernot Langenbacher, who has been a guest professor for project and program management at the University of Applied Sciences University of applied sciences Berlin, explained initially in the seminar, which targets tracked with project audits can for example, the State in the development of a project, the financial situation, to review the human-resource usage or the project objectives. Then he makes the instruments before, that in project audits used are ranging in the milestone trend analysis of the earned value analysis on the PMI health check. Then, attendees learn how they plan audits and perform, and monitor their success.

“In detail is also Langenbacher, what the stumbling blocks”, and success factors for project audits are the competence of the auditor needs. A further priority is the need for action and this then in turn sustainable measures can be derived from the results of the analysis. For more information about the seminar with Prof. Dr. Ladislao consulting Dr. Kraus & partner refer interested by Jennifer Becker, Conference Manager at ManagementCircle (Tel: 06196/4722-653;) E-Mail:).